Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Importance Of Leadership In Modern Business Research - 1650 Words

The Importance Of Leadership In Modern Business Research (Essay Sample) Content: Leadership in health managementName:Institution:Course;Tutor:Date:Outline * Introduction * Question 1 * Question 2 * Question 3 * Question 4 * Question 5 * Question 6 * Question 7 * Question 8 * Conclusion * ReferencesLeadership in health managementIntroductionClinical governance can be describe as a process through which NHS organizations are held accountable for the progressive improvement of standards of services while safeguarding high measures of care through an enabling environment that guarantees excellence in clinical care. This is basically a policy framework which is used by NHS organizations and their staff to constantly monitor and improve clinical care, while striving to reduce and eliminate poor health care. In a practical health organization clinical governance involves everything related to managing the standards and progressive improvement of health services, including development of care pathways, clinical audits and implementing policy guidelines (H arris, 2006).Question 1Clinical governance wishes to address the following areas namely, patient focus which entails placing patients at the core of healthcare involving them in planning and delivery; clinical effectiveness, audit and research governance relates to specific clinical intervention made in the field in relation to a patient and whether they achieve set goals; cost effectiveness entails promotion of intervention measures that enable the patient get quick access to reliable treatment; risk management involves policies that ensure that treatment is safe and effective. PCTs have a legal obligation to provide care to their respective local societies which means that they provide safe and effective medical care; professional development involves the continuous enhancement, maintenance, expertise and competence of medical staff during their carriers; staffing and management involves hiring of professionals who influence decisions of inventions offered as treatment; andintell igent use of information makes reference to information management systems which play a pivotal role in the dissemination and communication of information in clinical governance. It is essential that reliable information system should be put in place to facilitate accurate, quality and reliable data. This information is typically used define clinical governance activities such as monitoring of performance and results (Diaper Stanton, 2003).Question 2This is a performance management health care policy that helps the management to compare and measure the performances of various sector of the health system as a way of evaluating efficiency and showing that the services provided meet the expected standards. They are also used to asses the degree of improvement and changes within the system and also provide drivers of change. They also act as instruments of assessing and maintaining the quality of services and checking the potential risks to patients that may arise from services. A goo d example is the pay for performance program also known as P4P. This policy rewards medical groups, doctors, hospitals and other medical practitioners when they meet the set performance standards of quality and efficiency (The Institute of Medicine, 2006).Some of the examples of policies include distributive policies which are mainly involved with the provision of services and benefits to specific section of the population. One such example would be providing pensions to the aged and the disabled in society. Others include giving of allowance to the youth and hospital building projects. Distributive policies are generally non controversial and so during implementation no reduction of benefit to other groups is witnessed. Regulatory policies are policies that impose restrictions on the conduct of individuals and groups. A good example would be the tobacco controlpolicy which imposes limitations on the sale of tobacco to minors. On the other hand self regulatory policies are used by o rganizations to promote their own self interests. A valid example of this would be the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) which registers hospitals and nursing homes. Finally we have redistributive policies which tend to redistribute resources in the community. A good example is Medicare which is financed by government and caters for the unemployed and low income individuals (Fleming Parker, 2008).Question 3A policy or plan outlines the organizations goals, rules, laws and set standards that all employees and management have to follow and adhere to. Policy is usually a perseverative of government which means that all aspects of government are involved in policy development. All sectors of the economy and society are affected by government policy formulation. Government policies are implemented through the public service. There are various types of policies which may include regulatory policies, self regulatory policies, redistributive policies and distributive polic ies. Health policies are designed to prevent, reduce and combat the prevalence of disease. Effective delivery of health services by medical practitioners is a direct result of the health policy framework set out by the organization. Health policies take note of the need to treat individual with disease so as to attain a cure and extend life. A health policy which is implemented today may mot necessarily achieve the expected result the following day. Usually policies are measured in decades while the tenure of policy authors is far less short. Health policies provide a link between the strategic policy frameworks of the health service provider and the actually delivery of these services at the hospitals or community level. By coming up with policies managers and leaders are able to identify area that need resource allocation in order to achieve the organizational goals (Thomas, 2003).Question 4The IT manager has employs personal power that originates from his technical expertise i n the field of information technology. There are two categories of personal power namely referent power that stem from personal relations which an identified important figure in society and expert power which stems from the technical knowledge that one has regarding a particular issue. Here the manager tries to bring about change using the special knowledge that he has knowing very well that the organization can not afford to loose his services. The manager assumes that the CEO will make a rational decision to embrace the change basing on the IT manager`s expert knowledge. Expert power is usually employed to persuade others that the financial cost benefit will be more beneficial to the organization than at the point where they stand at present (French, 2011).Question 5The basic factors that influence the quality and safety of care include set service standards, mismatching of staff, motivation of staff and under utilization of staffing capabilities. Service standards refer to client s expectations that are organized are relayed in a meaning manner to the employees that offer services. They are formulated to prioritize, clarify, articulate and provide yardsticks of measure against which care giver can judge or rate their own performance. Mismatching of staff relates to hiring of less skilled labor in an effort to minimize labor cost which in turn has e negative impact on the quality of service given. Health care can be a very stressful affair, some clients or their families may not be all that cooperative hence having a big psychological impact on the work force. To keep the workforce effective incentive program must be established to motivate the staff. Finally there are a lot of bureaucratic barrier which limit the capacity of health worker to perform their duties efficiently (Kelley Tucci 2001).Question 6The world over there exists something that holds relationships together regardless of the nature of parties for example, individual, family, organizational , government, nation and the world economy, and if it were to be omitted in all relationships then it would definitely destroy the most successive governments, businesses, friendships and even love; that thing is trust. On the other hand it is well nurtured and leveraged; trust has the capacity to create overwhelming success and prosperity in every aspect of life. Despite these qualities, trust is the most misunderstood neglected and underestimated qualities of the modern age. Contrary to the general belief, trust is not a nave, illusive quality that one may have or not. Rather trust is viewed as an actionable and pragmatic asset that can be created faster than it could be actually conceived. It is ...

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