Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Essays - 790 Words

Symbolism The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is bursting with symbols and motifs. Looking deeper into these symbols will uncover the abstract and intangible themes and messages portrayed throughout the novel. The green light at the end of Daisy’s dock as well as T.J Eckleburg’s eyes overlooking the Valley of Ashes and the discrepancy between not only the characters of East and West Egg but the social class and standard of living they abide by. By uncovering all of these symbols and exposing them in their true light, a better understanding of the messages F. Scott Fitzgerald is revealing can be obtained. The confusion within the Great Gatsby can deciphered and straightened out. The green light represents everything to†¦show more content†¦He even threw extravagant parties, inviting anybody from anywhere to gain the feeling of acceptance and popularity. The green light is symbolic of Gatsby’s dream, unattainable yet perpetual, that can be found inside ev eryone. The Valley of Ashes in it of itself is a separate world from the two Eggs. Described as bleak, grotesque and desolate, it serves as a reality check, that there are people out there less fortunate than the characters form East and West Egg. This is where George and Myrtle Wilson reside and it is also the resting place of the eyes of T.J Eckleburg. In chapter seven, T.J Eckleburg, a pair of eyes on a billboard ad, is described as â€Å"watchful vigil† which clearly attaches him with a religious meaning. The religious meaning being the eyes of God, especially pertaining to George Wilson. Each character in The Great Gatsby is guided by their personal ethic and, yet Nick has the final word and his judgment is superior. Since the events are through his eyes there is no objectivity. Although George Wilson invokes God by saying, â€Å"God sees everything† and â€Å"you can’t fool God† and indicts each character in the novel through the eyes of T.J Ecklebu rg. Nick is the only other character that besides George to recognize him this. His eyes are also a reminder of guilt, overseeing Tom’s affairs and Myrtle’s death which in turn leads to Gatsby’s death. Besides just the Valley of Ashes, the difference of West Egg and East Egg plays an important role inShow MoreRelatedSymbolism In The Great Gatsby1029 Words   |  5 Pagestheir social status. In The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the idea of wealth is seen throughout. Jay Gatsby, who lives next door to Nick Carraway; the Narrator of the story, wants to be with his dream girl Daisy. Gatsby is wealthy and throws parties to impress Daisy. Daisy however, is married to another man Tom Buchanan. Throughout the story the people with money use it to create their social status. In The Great Gatsby F.Scott Fitzgerald uses symbolism to convey, wealth causes peopleRead MoreSymbolism in the Great Gatsby2513 Words   |  11 PagesSymbolism in The Great Gatsby In the novel The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald there are many different kinds of symbols used. Fitzgerald uses colors and material luxuries as the two main symbols in the novel. The author uses these symbols most frequently in the novel. The symbolism is carefully incorporated within the novel which makes it hard to detect at first glance. Within these symbols Fitzgerald mainly expresses feelings and the American Dream. Fitzgerald uses colors like an artistRead MoreSymbolism In The Great Gatsby2223 Words   |  9 PagesThe Great Gatsby is a novel written by Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. Soctt Fitzgerald was an American novelist in the 1920’s. Fitzgerald had a problem with alcoholism, which finally was the reason he died. This problem that Fitzgerald had is currently showed in the novel The Great Gatsby, in which alcohol makes part of almost every part of the book, in parties and meetings. The novel portrays the high-class society life during the 1920 ´s. It takes place in New York City. During the 1920’s in the UnitedRead More Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Essay867 Words   |  4 PagesGatsby Essay Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. For example, a dove is usually used to represent peace. In the novel The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald uses a lot of symbolism to connect the characters with each other or to other objects. Fitzgerald’s use of symbolism helps advance his thematic interest in his novel of The Great Gatsby. In the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses various colors, objectsRead MoreEssay Symbolism in The Great Gatsby864 Words   |  4 PagesIn the novel, The Great Gatsby, there is lots of reflection on symbolism, and especially colored symbolism. In this novel symbolism is a very important factor, it shows the difference between the different characters and scenes in the novel. The color green influences the story a lot. Green shows many thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and choices that Gatsby has throughout the story. White too plays an even more important role in the novel as it is used to represent some of the characters, it also talksRead More Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Essay551 Words   |  3 PagesThe Great Gatsby Symbols Throughout the book the Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there are many examples of very simple things that have a deeper meaning or represent more than meets the eye. The book is narrated by Nick Carraway, and is about a man named Gatsby who throws huge parties where he doesn’t even make an appearance, all in an attempt to win back his lost lover Daisy who is married to Tom Buchanan. Gatsby is a big figure in the book and he uses many objects around him to representRead MoreEssay on Symbolism on the Great Gatsby1179 Words   |  5 Pagescomplex than it seems. Whereas a symbol as complicated as the â€Å"eye† can mean more than it’s suggested for. Throughout The Great Gatsby symbolism represent color, the existence of eyes and money. The color symbolism is repetitive throughout the novel. The colors represent the different characters personality and their actions. An important symbolic color in The Great Gatsby is the green light. The color green itself is associated with spring, money, hope and youth. 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